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Design Portfolio Tips

Forget the ‘Jack of all trades’ saying—just show the projects you really love.

Ok. Well, maybe I don’t have my dream-design-job to prove it but every person who has seen my portfolio, employer or not, has complimented the passion behind my carefully-curated design profile.

Show them what you’re best at — THIS IS PRIORITY NUMBER ONE!

Show them what they want to see — edit project entries accordingly.

Show them what they’re missing — make them want your skills and unique abilities.

“ a jack of all trades is a master of none, but oftentimes better than a master of one. ”

People often forget the last part of this famous quote. Do not forget that last part.

Choose your specialities. Find your purpose as a designer and explore what part of the industry you fit into best; but for goodness sake, do not limit your creativity just to fit in!

Make your portfolio fun and engaging but let it speak for itself. Some times you might be watching over someone’s shoulder as they flick through your work, other times you won’t be around to explain a thing. Make sure your portfolio speaks for you.

I hope you enjoyed the read.
Catch y’all in another life.

Lex 💚